Sunday, 28 November 2021

Communication Tips For Beginners In Implant Practice


Communication Tips For Beginners In Implant Practice

A decade back when I started Implant practice, I used to think that implantology is a complex procedure but realized it later that the procedure is simple and not the communication part. Over these ten years I made mistakes, learnt from them and tried to improve myself on both aspects of implantology. Even I faced complications sometimes but trust me 90% of these complications were not related to the implant procedure but the communication with patients. I have observed that, usually doctors become master in implant procedures in short time but they lack the art of communication which is equally or in my words even more important. Unfortunately I was not that lucky to have somebody to tell me on how to communicate and most of the things that I have shared below have been learnt/discovered by myself. 

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Here are few tips for beginners who have started implant practice recently:

1. Instead of trying to convince the patient for implants, always try to explain implants.

2. Even before explaining implants to patient make sure that you are very much convinced that implant is really the best option for the respective patient, then only you can explain it very well to patient.  


3. Remember ethical things are always easier to explain for every doctor and are always digestible to patients.


4. Never do false promises like "It will be free of complications till you live" etc. Any dental procedure right from RCT to Crown & Bridges or even simple filling may fail. Same way Implants can also fail and there can be many reasons for failure. So be realistic and explain your patients that implants may fail but it's long term success ratio is relatively high in comparison with all other substitute procedures to implants.

Here is how you can deal with some common objections raised by implant patients.


Objection 1: Implants are expensive


Any treatment which comes nearest to most natural replacement closest to what God has given will be having more cost than any intermediate or short term replacement. 

You should always give option of economical treatments to your patients while informing that they are far away from natural replacement and either intermediate or short span.


Objection 2: I don't want to go for surgery


Always tell the patient that placement of an implant is 30-60 min procedure with single local anesthesia and it usually do not have any post operative complications.

(In fact I personally feel that it is less complicated than surgical removal of tooth. It really does absolutely no complications if one follow strict sterilization and disinfection protocol)


Objection 3: Implants warranty and longevity


You can say that it works long term except the prosthesis which might have to be changed and if you follow strict & proper cleaning and maintenance (which in fact required in any body procedure or replacement) then it's almost permanent. You should also suggest the patient that mostly complications come in first few months. Implant companies are giving life time warranties so even if implant fails there is a scope of re-procedure.


Objection 4: More implants means more money to be spent (for full mouth cases)


You can confirm with the patient if he is looking for long term or short term solution. Explain the patient that if he wants, good aesthetics, mastication and phonetics then definitely implants are the only choices. Implants cost few more bucks but it is still cheap with the kind of health and quality patient gets. In fact all the current replacement procedures like Total Knee Replacement, CABG, Stents, Hair Transplant etc are not economical too.


Friends, implants are miracle in dentistry. If you really want to grow your practice then do Implants. The more you place implants, more confident you will get and when you have confidence you automatically get that positive energy to explain. And believe me if you follow these things in your initial days of implant practice; in future you will never ever have to worry about question & answers by your patients. 


And lastly don't worry. Do implants!

Money is really By-product...

Don't go for it rather go for EXCELLENCY ..!

Source : DentistFriend

Wednesday, 24 November 2021

Clinical Dentistry: Should Dental Professionals Practice Botox & Dermal Fillers?


Clinical Dentistry: Should Dental Professionals Practice Botox & Dermal Fillers?

A lot is being talked and argued about the administration of Botox by dental professionals in India. Many dentists believe that Botox and Dermal fillers belong to dermatology and dentists should not perform these procedures; which is actually a misconception. This misbelief is because not many dentists in India are aware of the significant benefits that Botox has as an adjunct therapy in many dental procedures.

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Use of Botox in dentistry is relatively a new discovery, so probably its acceptance will take some time among Indian dental professionals. If you are a dentist practicing in India and have the same misconception then this blog is for you. I am hopeful that after reading this article your false impression will fade away to some extent.


The first thing that I want all the dentists to realize is that we are part of the medical sphere and we dentists are “real doctors.” Every time when we inject LA into a patient, we are delivering a medicinal agent into the human body that has real systemic complications. The only difference is; we have received special training and mastered to deliver local anesthetic into the human body and are comfortable in dealing with the complications. By the way, I would like share a fact that the adverse reactions and complications associated with the LA that we use every day in our dental practice are far more serious than those with Botox and Dermal fillers.



After training hundreds of dentists in India; I can say that, with proper training on Botox & Dermal fillers even you can become equally comfortable in administration of Botox like you are with local anesthetic. In fact I believe that we dentists can do it better in relation to other medical professionals when it comes to head-neck-face region as we are specialized in it.


Here are some dental treatments where you can use Botox & Dermal fillers:


1. Temporo Mandibular Joint Disorder

2. Bruxism

3. Facial Pain

4. Gummy Smile

5. Full Mouth Rehabilitation

6. Smile Designing


All the problems that I have mentioned above fall in the realm of dentistry and dentist. I believe, no other medical professional can do justice to such dental originated problems except a dentist. So let's not take these issues as a profession and stop letting politics get in the way of science & common sense. If you still feel that Botox and Dermal fillers are not for dentists then you seriously need to re-think!!!


I will share some of the cases that I have treated with Botox and Dermal Fillers in my upcoming blog posts.

Source : DentistFriend

Tuesday, 23 November 2021

Facts & Myths About Use Of Botulinum Toxin in Dentistry!


Facts & Myths About Use Of Botulinum Toxin in Dentistry!

In my previous blog post we discussed about dental treatments that are possible with botox and dermal fillers. If you are convinced with the fact that Dental professionals should practice botox and dermal fillers then continue reading this post where I am going to give you further information about botulinum toxin.

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What is botulinum toxin?


Botulinum toxin is produced by gram-positive anaerobic bacteria Clostridium Botulinum. Botox is a trade name used by Allergen for Botulinum toxin and basically it is a purified form of botulinum toxin which has both aesthetic and therapeutic uses. The trade name Botox has become so popular that people recognize trade name better than its actual name; just like we use the trade name Xerox for photocopy. Many of us get afraid to hear the word toxin but botulinum has the real role to play in dental treatments. It is the toxin that helps to age gracefully.


Are there any variants of Botulinum Toxin?


Yes, there are seven type of botulinum toxins which are available to us. It is from type A, B, C, D, E, F & G. The one which is used most commonly is type A; however if any individual gets resistant to type A then we can use type B botulinum toxin. The type B botulinum Toxin is known as Myoblock.

Botulinum Toxin is available to us from different pharmaceutical companies.  There are several other trade names of botulinum Toxin like Desport, Neuronox and there are many more apart from Botox.


How Botulinum Toxin works?


Botox has its action on the muscle; it acts on SNAP 25 and doesn't let the muscle contract. It takes around 1.5-2 hours to bind to the nerve and it can take anywhere between 2 to 10 days to show full clinical effect. The effect of botox last from 3 months to 6 months varying individual to individual.


Some common Myths & Facts about Botulinum Toxin


Myth: It is new and not tested.


Fact: Botulinum toxin has a history of more than 20 years. And there are thousands of research papers available on the same.


Myth: It will give us botulism or else I will loose sensations and will have a plastic face.


Fact: None of it is correct. The lethal dose of botox is 2500 units to 3000 units which is 25 to 30 vials which is a lot of money to kill someone. A 100 unit vial of botulinum Toxin costs somewhere between Rs.18,000- Rs.20,000 INR


What do I have to know for getting good results from botulinum toxin?

For getting good results from botox injection one needs to understand the anatomy of the face or the areas where they want to inject botox.

Source : DentistFriend

Wednesday, 17 November 2021

3 Reasons: Why Every Dentist Is Special!


3 Reasons: Why Every Dentist Is Special!

The Hollywood movie “The Hangover” is too much of laughter but not if you are a Dentist ;).  Many of you might have experienced that embarrassing “Hangover Moment” when your friends say “You are just a Dentist”. if that has not happened with you yet; then you are a lucky dentist!!

I have learnt it very well on how to close my eyes to such sarcasm and of course there are great reasons to it. What others think about my profession does not bother me for a simple reason that they are unaware of what it takes to be a Dentist. I don’t mind them saying that I'm just a Dentist but I want them to know why Every Dentist Is Special.

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There are many reasons why dentists are special; here are few to list:


1. Smile Makers


We are the preacher's of worlds universally accepted language..

We work to boost your self confidence by redesigning the way you smile.



 Being a dentist is awesome!


We decide who should wear a crown, 

We plan bridges like engineers,

We extract roots like mathematicians, 

We make people suffer like bankers, 

but the most fantastic of all is that we make people Smile more like clowns. 

Laugh to show those beautiful teeth that we've made !



We don't make the world turn round but we MAKE THE WORLD SMILE!!!


There's a great dentist

Behind every beautiful smile..


2. Dentistry is combination of diffetent professions.


A Doctor (As we have to have knowledge of science to give a right diagnosis)


An ENgineer (As we have to have knowledge of oral mechanics for perfect treatment planning)


An arTIST (As we have to work with great precision in an area with limited access)  




3. Service To Humanity


We make dentures to help the elderly to eat with ease and bring back life to their lives.

We save lives with oral surgeries & facial reconstructions.

We are the real heros for all those bride's, we helped fixing smile.

We help to get rid of the most severe pain with root canal treatments.

And not to forget,

We are the reason for millionas & billionas of halitosis free kisses.



There's a great dentist

Behind every beautiful smile

And I am proud to be one...

Proud to be Dentist!

Source : DentistFriend

Students Corner: Process For Getting Migration Certificate From MUHS Nashik


Students Corner: Process For Getting Migration Certificate From MUHS Nashik

A Migration Certificate is required in case you are switching from your previous university to a different university for further education or any other reason. It's a kind of "No Objection Certificate" that has to submitted for joining new university. In this blogpost I am going to share the process on how to issue Migration Certificate from Maharashtra University Of Health Sciences, Nashik. But don't worry, even if you belong to any other university, the overall process is very much common. Here are the steps that you have to follow:

How much does it cost to become a dentist in India to know visit the dental portal

STEP 1: You can download the application from official MUHS website or Click Here To Download. Once you have the hard copy of the application form, fill in the details and follow step two


STEP 2: You will have to issue a No Objection Certificate/Letter from your college authorities by filling an application for “Issuance of Migration Certificate”.  Make sure all the details are filled correctly with signature of Dean with College stamp. 


STEP 3: Once you have the application form and NOC ready as mentioned in step1 & 2 respectively; attach the bellow mentioned documents.


1. Original College Leaving Certificate Specially mentioned with “ISSUED ONLY FOR MIGRATION PURPOSE”

2. Attested copy of Statement of Marks of the Last Examination appeared.

3. Attested copy of the University Internship Completion Certificate in case passed the Final Year Examination.

4. Original Affidavit by a Bonded candidate of Govt./ Corp. College, if any. 

5. Letter/ Undertaking of Applicant’s College Authorities in Original.

6. Original “Affidavit Gap Certificate”, if any.

7. In case Duplicate Transfer/Leaving Certificate is submitted, attach the original F. I. R copy, original affidavit towards Duplicate Transfer/Leaving Certificate.


STEP 4:  Once you are done with above steps, you will have to submit the application form with all the mandatory documents along with a Demand Draft (Demand Draft should be from any Nationalized Bank drawn in favor of “The Registrar, Maharashtra University of Health Sciences” payable at Nashik.) on below mentioned address.



1)      By registered / Speed-post =  1000 INR

2)      Urgent / Speed-Post =  1500 INR


ADDRESS: The Registrar Office, Maharashtra University of Health Science, Vani - Dindori Road, Mhasrul, Nashik, Maharashtra 422003


PLEASE NOTE:  If you submit the application before 11.00 am the certificate is issued on same day before 5.00 pm but in case you get late the application will be processed on next working day. I have mentioned the complete process for issuing Migration Certificate from MUHS Nashik still I would advice you to go through the official MUHS site or contact the respective university before proceeding.