Monday, 31 January 2022

Occupational Hazards and Prevention In Dentistry- An Overview


Occupational Hazards and Prevention In Dentistry- An Overview

Despite numerous technical advances in recent years, many occupational health problems still persist in modern dentistry viz. exposure to infections (including Human Immunodeficiency Virus and viral hepatitis); percutaneous exposure incidents, dental materials, radiation, noise; musculoskeletal disorders; psychological problems and dermatitis; respiratory disorders and eye insults.

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Dental practitioners are at the risk of exposure to blood-borne pathogens like the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), the hepatitis B virus (HBV) and the hepatitis C virus (HCV). In dentistry, sharp injuries occur because of frequent patient movement, small operating field and the variety of sharp instruments used in dental procedure.



Dental professionals should be aware of individual protective measures (Handwashing, Treatment gloves, overgloves, mouth masks, head caps, protective overgarments) and appropriate sterilization or other high-level disinfection utilities to control infections.




During dentistry procedure, the dentist's posture is strained which induces stress injury on musculoskeletal system. Hand/wrist complaints, carpal tunnel syndrome, Neck and shoulder complaints, back pain are the most common.



Dentists should follow the proper operator & patient  positions , take intervals ,keep changing positions to reduce muscle strain & fatigue.




Not only physical impairments but also the job related psychological disorders, tension, depression, emotional exhaustion, and depersonalization may affect dentist’s health.



Stress can never be totally eliminated from dental practice. However, it can be managed by the following-

Improving the work environment at the clinic.
Become less isolated and share problems with fellow practitioners.
Working more sensible hours and taking time each day for a leisurely lunch break.
Take holidays whenever the pressures of practice starts to build.
Learn how to better handle patient's anxiety and hostility.
Adopt  program of physical exercise, such as regular work out at a local health club or by simply walking.

Most importantly, being kinder to yourself and less critical and demanding of your efforts.




Ionizing radiations can initiate genetic & carcinogenic changes. Dentists who hold the X-ray film in the patients mouth are prone to radiation dermatitis on hands or in a long run squamous cell carcinoma of the figures.
Dentists should not hold the x- ray film in the patient’s mouth
Dentists should avoid direct exposure to x-ray beam
Radiation monitoring




The etiology of latex sensitivity is based on a reaction to the plant containing allergenic proteins in natural rubber. Referred to as Type I allergy to natural rubber latex protein, allergic reactions can be severe & sometimes fatal.



Should use non-latex gloves for activities not likely to involve contact with infectious materials.
You can request gloves that do not contain latex but still offer protection against infectious materials.
Avoid oil-based creams or lotions when using latex gloves. They may cause the gloves to break down.
Wash your hands with a mild soap and dry hands completely after using gloves.
Recognize symptoms of latex allergy (rash; hives; flushing; itching;nasal, eye, and sinus irritation; asthma; and shock).




Majority of dental procedures are accomplished with instruments being passed over or near the patient's face and with aerosols and chemicals frequently in close proximity, and hence both patients and dentists should wear eye protection. The curing lights are also a potential hazard to those who place restorative resins due to phototoxic and photoallergic reactions originating from absorbed radiation.



A dentist must be vigilant in wearing personal protective equipment (protective glasses, Face shields) to ensure their own personal safety and thus remain healthy and active in their profession.




Dentists are at risk for noise-induced hearing loss. Even though hearing loss may not be symptomatic, the first complication and the reason for seeking a hearing evaluation may be tinnitus. Noise is always present during the work  due to low-speed handpieces, high-speed turbine handpieces, high-velocity suction, ultrasonic instruments, vibrators, cleaners and other mixing devices, and model trimmers.




Noise monitoring should be done with noise dosimeters routinely in the dental operatory and necessary measures to reduce noise should be taken. Application of muffles, Handpieces should be well maintained, Compressors should be fitted away from the work place, Sound absorbing material wall ,Resilient floors, Sound proof acoustical ceiling, Simultaneous use of several turbines should be avoided,Dental drills should be kept 35 cm away from ear,Ear plugs and muffs, Audiography test periodically for early detection.




There is a need to educate and make the dentists aware of these hazards in dentistry and the methods of their prevention. This can be carried out by carrying various informative programs like seminars, continuing dental education programs and workshops on prevention of occupational hazards in the region. So, it is important for dentists to remain constantly up-to-date about measures on how to deal with newer strategies and dental materials and implicates the need for special medical care for this professional group.

Source : DentistFriend

Sunday, 30 January 2022

My Idea Of Being A Stress Free Dentist!


My Idea Of Being A Stress Free Dentist!

I have observed that over last couple of years life of medical professionals in metros has gone hectic. There has been a significant increase in anger & anxiety. I believe that the main culprit behind this human breakdown is “STRESS” may be emotional, social, financial or physical, may be because of competition, work pressure, bargaining patients, staff, family and there can be thousand other reasons..
Many medicos from metros begin their Saturday night at clubs, pubs, restaurants, bars or malls which are actually not stress bursting but stress masking options which reduces stress for time being but never eliminate it completely.

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Sunday is the rest day, to take care of their hangovers, to get up as late as possible, scratching head and thinking about all the problems that made them pick up the glass last night. 

The vicious cycle of STRESS remains as it is… in fact aggravates with time. The problems remain as it is, stress increases manifold and person becomes more and more vulnerable to various stress related health problems and slowly move towards a life full of STRESS, until it breaks him down. 

So the solution becomes problem and real problem become a big problem. …all confusion!!!

I believe that only a strong, healthy & peaceful mind can make wrong things right, it can find out joyful moments from the heart of sorrows; it can take out solution from the depth of problem. A Peaceful Mind is the KEY TO HAPPINESS. Until and unless you are at peace of mind you can’t think properly forget about working. 

When I came to Mumbai ten years back and decided to settle here. Life was smooth initially but then STRESS started taking a toll of my life too & I had no choice than to find some way out..



My idea of being Stress Free!

I was raised in the close vicinity of nature…I spent entire childhood in thrilling & adventurous activities like spending days on nature trails, forest explorations, climbing huge trees, fishing,  swimming in river and manyyyyy more. And I discovered the joy of life with nature.

After a long decade I decided to rejuvenate my life with the joy which I used to do in my childhood. .
Every Sunday I started exploring natural places near and around Mumbai. Monday to Friday I started searching for natural places, gathering friends with same passion and fixing the destination. Saturday night used to be preparation & planning time for the Sunday trip, to prepare list of must take things, packing of equipments n all.

I explored natural places around Mumbai starting from Sanjay Gandhi National Park to Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary, from Karnala Bird Sanctuary to Bhimashankar Wildlife Sanctuary, various forts situated in the lap of Sahyandri mountain range and many more. I truly enjoyed the joy of nature walks, trekking and wildlife-nature photography.

It starts on Sunday morning but the effect lasts for entire week, sometimes even more..

Nature has immense power of positivity and healing for Mind, Body & Soul. Everything in nature is free, pure and joyful. I have discovered so much peace of mind that my entire work goes stress free and full of energy.

All my friends who have never taken themselves out of this cement jungle do think about this option. Take yourself out and explore beautiful elements of nature.  Start exploring nature with various nature activity groups or your close friends I am sure you will experience a different level of life full of peace and positivity.

Just try to be a little more than being a Dentist!

Stay Healthy & Stress Free…Go Green!!!

Source : DentistFriend

Saturday, 29 January 2022

Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Pursue Dental Photography Daily

Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Pursue Dental Photography Daily


Photography has more than 50 applications in dentistry, Here is all you need to know WHY you are missing out on the MOST happening trend in dentistry today.

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1.Smile Design:

Thinking about a career as an Aesthetic dentist? 

Be it any kind of smile designing (DSD, GPS, PSD etc) photography will give you a HUGE boost to plan your smile designing. In fact all these smile designing techniques employ photography or videography for treatment planning and evaluation. Not having a sound knowledge of photography might prove to be a hinderance in mastering these specialized techniques.

2. Keeping Records (Medico legal):

Just like keeping a record of case paper, RVG, OPG, CBCT, casts and models it is always good to keep photographs of the patient and store them safely. 
Pre operative, Operative and post operative images are a MUST as we move towards what is called an "Evidence Based Practice"



3. Forensic Odontology:

Might sound like a science fiction movie but dentistry can help deliver justice and solve many mystries! Forensic odontology is making its mark even in the highest court of India and there is heavy dependance on clues provided by dental science.

As Law and order is becoming more and more aware about the strides in dentistry, it can rely hugely on the "accurate"  data provided by forensic odontology. (Any kind of details recorded by a dentist can become a part of important evidence and help deliver justice to the needy.)

Photography and recording data accuratly in the form of videos is a vital part of this science.



4. Practice Marketing:

A before and after album in your clinic can be your best friend when it comes to marketing your practice to the patient waiting in your reception. 

Images do speak louder than words .... but make sure its your own work not downloaded from internet !

5. Learning Curve:

Before after images shared with your colleagues and professors (after required conscent from the patient) are extremely helpful learning tools. (Unless you are open minded and are open to criticism) 
Self evaluation and self improvement is a big benifit of macro photography 
Since a 100 mm  macro lens shows you more details that a naked eye can never appreciate you can use this as an effective tool to sharpen your skills.



6. Shade taking:

Believe it or NOT its not your eye but a camera that will help you decide if its an A3 or an A 3.5 ! Cameras are great with understanding the VALUE aspect of teeth and shade guides ... 
So get on ... get clicking ... 

A secret Tip here : Switch to Black and white mode to appreciate the values better!



7. Lab Communication:

What do you think is wise? 

Requesting a ceramist to fabricate a prosthesis based on his own imagination Or Send the ceramist an image of the pre operative/ operative images to get predicatbale results? 
Take advantage of photography so that there are less errors during fabrication. Save time, Save efforts 
At the end the patient is extremely happy too!



8. Publications:

Be it your PG thesis or an article for publication in a national / international journal ... 
Make it a point to record and share the best images because your images will make a greater impact on the audience.

Besides if your article has poor image quality there are greater chances that your request to publish might get turned down by the journal editor!

9. Educate Your Staff: 

This idea is right out of the box!! 
You can take images of all instruments, dental materials and even where you store them, a few settings of x ray machine or screen shots of your digital practice management software!
You can use these images to train new staff who arent well worsed with your clinic equipment. All they have to do is go through the images. Also they might remember it better like that... 
You can share these images with them via whatsapp so that they can revise the list suring their free time or holidays!!


And last but not the least 



10. Photography is a great way to explore the artist in you!

When used correctly and regularly it can make you reach newer heights in dentistry. It will also give you an eye for beauty and reignite the passion for excellence. 
People who would want to take it further can become wildlife/ portrait / macro/ landscape/candid wedding photographers par excllence and who knows you might take it to the next level as a source of passive income !
One gets redefined as a true artist ...

Source : DentistFriend

Thursday, 27 January 2022

How To Have A Competition Proof Practice?


How To Have A Competition Proof Practice?

These days it is very common see too many dentists practicing in the same location, obviously due to artificial saturation but don't worry! Fortunately there is a solution. The answer to above question is “Differentiation!”, you need to differentiate your practice in order to Grow and Prosper!

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What is differentiation?


Differentiation is all about creating a distinct identity for your dental practice. It is about separating your practice from your competitors and creating your own niche market. If you observe the business economy; you will see that there have been drastic changes in the business dynamics over the last few years and it is not that only dentists are suffering. 


For Ex: 15 years back when there were only 4-5 options to choose a car; today we have more than hundred options and this has created a cut throat competition among automakers and likely in many other businesses. Friends; we all know that change is Inevitable. Getting frustrated about the situation is never a solution and the only thing one can do is adopt and evolve. 

So let’s understand how differentiation can come up as a solution? 


I’ll again take an example from automobile industry. There are many automakers in India but when it comes to fuel efficiency, only one name clicks & that is “Maruti”. It happens coz Maruti has differentiated their cars as fuel efficient. And this differentiation has helped them in two ways. Firstly they have separated themselves from rest of the competitors and secondly they have created their own niche. There are other manufacturers who have differentiated like Maruti for example: Mercedes for Luxury, Volvo for Safety, Tesla for Green Cars and so on..

Just like these automakers, even you can also differentiate your dental practice. You can also make your practice competition proof and create a niche.


Let’s see how you can differentiate your dental practice?


A dental clinic can be differentiated as a specialty practice like Endo, Ortho, Implant, Pedo, Esthetic Dentistry, Implant Dentistry etc. You can even build an image in your patients mind as an affordable dental clinic or premium dental clinic or whatever you think suits your practice and separate it from other dentists practicing in the same location as you. The best thing is that you don't have to change your practice completely upside down in order to differentiate. 

You just have to find out answers to some simple questions like..


What is your forte? 

How is your practice different from others in your area? 

Why should people come to you for dental treatment?

What resources or skill sets you have that others don’t?


Once you figure out answers to above questions, you can start working on it. Now for instance, if I you have decided to differentiate your practice as "premium"; then make sure that your clinic is in prime location, with big space, fine interiors, high end equipment and well trained staff. 


The factors that I have mentioned above will vary based on kind of differentiation that you want to do for your practice and so as the cost. Once you are clear with differentiation, you can start working to give that “Extra Value” to your patients at your clinic which should be followed by branding & marketing exercise to attract the elite class who are able to bear the treatment charges.

Source : DentistFriend